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Writer's pictureMichelle Backhouse

Allowing sensation to be the impulse for movement

Updated: May 20, 2022

When was the last time you just took a breath and allowed whatever sensation or emotion is present to be felt?

Really felt, without diving into the thoughts, stories and solutions that the mind is offering to change the sensation?

Just the simple act of asking yourself what is present right now is a chance for the body to add to the conversation.

We become so caught up in the running commentary and the burden of keeping all the metaphorical balls in the air, that when something arises that is uncomfortable such as an emotion or a reaction to something in our day, the burden becomes heavier and often the running commentary is either punctuated by negative self-talk or an attempt to find solutions by changing our external environment.

However, often when such sensations arise, whether they are physical sensations or something more emotional in nature, there is an opportunity here to find a new way to navigate the situation by first simply breathing and acknowledging what is present. Perhaps taking deep belly breaths which bring mindful presence into the body and offer some space. The best solutions to challenges often arise when we give a little space, and find a little breathing room. Then, I invite you to notice the sensation that is present and explore how it moves through and with your body. Perhaps the shoulders drop and the hands relax, the hips rock. Or perhaps there is a strong push of the arms and a stamping of feet. Just allowing the movement to take it’s form and run its course with the breath. Or perhaps go for a walk and really just feel into the sensations of the body and breath as you walk.

By using breath and movement, like water flowing around rocks, new solutions to challenges can become available. This is simply because in the moment of stilling the mind chatter, and creating just a bit of space to allow what is present to be felt, it becomes possible to discover new direction and possibility.

Perhaps the most wonderful possibility is to feel that you are so much more than the thoughts and identifications of the mind in that present moment.

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